Dr. Tamoor Hamid Chaudhry

Veterinarian and Microbiologist with more than eight years of experience in conducting complex tests, review data and write up reports to advise whether the results are valid against relevant testing protocols. My career provides me opportunities to develop extensive set of skills at Antimicrobial Resistance, Human-Environment Interface, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Molecular epidemiology, Transmission Dynamics-MLST, Vaccine development, Sequencing. My doctorate research at Washington State University deciphers the transmission dynamics and genetic diversity among indigenous K. pneumoniae isolates from human and associated environment.

At National Institute of Health, my duties as Senior Scientist (Veterinarian) are to develop the liaison with National, provincial focal points for coordination of National AMR surveillance, assessment of laboratory capacity on AMR, monitoring of controlled and optimized usage of antimicrobials in animal health and phasing out the use of antimicrobials as growth promoter, development of capacity strengthening plans in consultation with in-country stakeholders and implement National Action Plan on AMR. Monitoring of progress of these labs for improvement in laboratory quality management. Sustain close liaison with partners and donor organizations and align our work plan with them. The long-term objective of these activities is to help understanding the role of livestock and their contribution in progression of AMR.